Join Multiple Cities!

Join Multiple Cities!

Multiple Cities will be an online collection of insightful thoughts, opinions, and experiences relating to cities and communities around the world.

We know many colleagues, friends, and acquaintances who are passionate about cities in which they live and work. Our experiences are wide-ranging and need to be shared. That’s why we’ve decided to start Multiple Cities. 

Reanna is a planner with a passion for community development, engagement, transportation, and maps. Catch Reanna taking naps while riding Caltrain or collecting stories of her experiences on Muni.

Reanna Tong

San Francisco, CA

BNur is an Associate for Larisa Ortiz Associates, specializing in strengthening commercial districts and downtown retail. While she is not conducting market analysis for clients, Nur enjoys practicing her ethnographic and public space research skills at a local park or plaza in New York City.

Nur Asri

Brooklyn, NY


From transportation and technology to urban design and housing, we are seeking creative contributors to our crazy venture. Writers, editors, photographers are all welcome to submit content to the pilot issue that we’re hoping to release in January 2018.

Multiple Cities will feature content on the following topics:

Public Space
Environmental Sustainability
Land Use/ Zoning
Economic Development
Urban Design

In line with our date of release, the pilot issue aims to predict trends for the year ahead. If you have an informed hypothesis about something, let us know! Submit your ideas by October 10, 2017 - we look forward to hearing from you!

Reanna + Nur

Disaster Response and Recovery in the United States

Disaster Response and Recovery in the United States