Open Call for Issue 3: Immigration, Citizenship, and Identity

Open Call for Issue 3: Immigration, Citizenship, and Identity

Inspired and compelled by recent events around the globe, Multiple Cities is announcing the theme for our next issue: Immigration, Citizenship, and Identity. From the separation of families at the US-Mexico border, and the rejection of rescued migrants from Italy,  to the erasure of adoptees’ identities from birth in Ireland, people all around the world are experiencing their own forms of crises in immigration, citizenship, and identity, and we want to hear your stories. 

We are looking to share your thoughts and opinions on local and international policies that shape immigration, citizenship, or identity. Has your city created or restricted spaces for immigrants? Have you lost or found a new identity as a result of national policies?

In this issue, we especially welcome personal stories to ground our understanding of how our environments mold the people we are today - as an individual or as a community. While recognizing the many struggles and negative impacts of policy and place design, we also want to shed light on projects and stories that bring hope to marginalized and overlooked communities.

Send us your early ideas here by June 29, 2018 and we’ll be in touch to work through details in the following weeks. Please also feel free to reach out directly to us to bounce off your ideas. In this open call, we are looking for all types of contributions including ideas for written articles, maps, art/illustration, photography, or videography.

The Disappearance of Little Thailand

The Disappearance of Little Thailand

Agent of Change - A neighbourly policy for the mixed-use 24/7 city

Agent of Change - A neighbourly policy for the mixed-use 24/7 city